Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday Afternoons
I'm at the end of my work day and am ready to start life (well, my weekend at least)! I finally get a moment to breathe and I realized just how soothing the sounds of Raheem DeVaughn, mixed with a little reggae, and the right attitude make for a pretty funky afternoon. Now it's your turn...what gets you through a Friday workday? What keeps you relaxed until 5p hits? Do Tell!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Check Me On Your Video Phone
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Vintage Fab
Anyways they have a new post called Vintage Fab, asking readers to send in vintage pics of their family working out the fashions of the past and your own Kabuki Queen's family was featured! Check it out!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I'm Still A Rockstar...
Guess Who?
There’s so much to discuss I know I won’t be able to put it in this one post but I just wanted to let you all know this for right now:
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just Live Your Life
Let me take this time to shed a little light on my current experience: I went to a club (all white, except for my friend and I) for one of my classmates bday party. When I got there, she wasn't there and we were the target black people for at least an hour...muy uncomfortable, so ready to leave but I had just paid 16 for parking, NOT EVEN! Despite my discomfort, we stuck it out and ended up making new party buddies, hooking up with my friend who was so happy to see me again, and we did it all...wait for it...SOBER, can you believe it! Talk about doing different stuff. You don't have to switch up everything, just do something you always do with a little twist. Point 2: today I went apple picking, drank cider (which I hated before today) and ate apple cinnamon donuts, and went to a petting zoo all while the weather switched from rainy/cloudy to sunny/rainy and back again. SIDEBAR: now ladies, how about you allow your hair to get wet once in your won't kill you, trust me and it is so liberating! And we're back: ended the night at my cousin's house watching an old 90s movie that I hadn't seen and am too embarrassed to even mention the name.
Not saying you have to do anything I've done on my list of random things, but find something out of the ordinary and JUST DO thing I absolutely agree with Nike on! Live life, no regrets!
Monday, September 21, 2009
ZEBRA season!
I'm looking for a little black (or white) dress to wear to my first black and white ball! I'm extremely excited, but I have no idea where to look. I guess I don't fit the 'every girl' mold because the fashion literature definitely says I should not only have one LBD, but two. I'm way behind the curve! Right now, I'm looking online, but I would love to know some actual stores I can stop in. Please help a sister out! And men, I would love your input on what kind of dress you like to see women in...this is a group project, thx!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Now, to the real reason why I'm writing this fine day (I'll be short and sweet): I have to admit that I have fallen prey to the Charlotte Russe monster! The clothes, um...not really my thing, but I goes nowhere else for my accessories, bomb diggity (how was that for hood?)!
I was in the store a few weeks ago to buy another pair of the fabulous earrings I already own, but this time for my little sister who recently turned 8, and is just as grown as me I might add. Anyone that's already hip to the CR bomb, you should already know that you can always come out of there with two pieces of jewelry for 8 bucks. I scooped up the old earrings for lil sis and grabbed a new, fun pair for my weekend dinner party. Got to the register, happy to have found what I was looking for and decided to give the ring basket on the front counter a quick look-through.
Wasn't I happy I did because it was then I spotted a small sign behind the registers stating a 10% discount to all students and military personnel. I asked the cashier what I had to do to receive the discount, and she told me just show my school idea. ALL STUDENTS receive 10% off, EVERY PURCHASE! Now, I know 10% is just tax, at least in Chicago, but during this recession that the rest of the world is going through (seeing as I'm not participating), I thought this would be most helpful to any and everyone looking for a break...Stop on by and be on the lookout for anymore of these "small signs"! Happy shopping ;)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Mental Break
So I'll call this hiatus a mental break. I promise I won't leave you guys hanging for too long but please bear with me as I'm going through this awkward transitioning phase. I still appreciate everyone's support and please continue to support and once I get over this I'll continue to bring you posts. :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
KabQueen On The Move...Literally.

So I've actually known about this but I may as well make it known. I'm originally from a suburb outside of Los Angeles, California and after much thinking, praying etc. I've decided to move back to California.
St. Louis has been good to me but I know its been time for me to move on especially for my career path. I'm pretty sad that I am leaving, I've made my closest friends here, I've basically made my life here and to switch it up is going to be kinda weird. But I'll be living with Mom and Dad (we'll see how that goes) and it'll be nice to be closer to them and my brother.
And you can't hate on the weather!
So I just wanted to keep ya'll updated and better believe I WILL be blogging about this new experience!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Jeans please!
i've been gone for ages, but like ej, i have been also traveling the globe (to her hometown of fabulous LA). i know most blogs offer information, but today i'm looking for some jean knowledge. i need jeans! i would love to be able to order them online, but i'm an in-between size type of girl so i have to try everything on. does anyone order jeans online and they're true to size? i just bought a pair of lees from marshalls that fit really well, but i want some skinnys for cheap...any suggestions?
thanks in advance,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
For The Boys Who Rocked My World
First Brandon Adams.

You know him from the TV movie "Polly" with Keisha Knight Pulliam, The People Under The Stairs, The Sandlot, The Mighty Ducks and a few episodes of Fresh Prince, but he stole my heart as little Michael in Moonwalker.

I recently found him on Twitter and tweeted that I had such a crush on him back in the day and he even tweeted me back saying thanks! Man I was smiling ALL day!
Does he still make me not so much but he'll always be boo from back in the day.

Lastly Jason Weaver.

We all know him from Smart Guy, ATL and many other things but he stole my heart as little Michael in The Jacksons' American Dream.

I couldn't deny a face like that.
Would I holler now? Nah, not so much. But he is talented so hopefully we'll see him in more and possibly less bootleg movies :cough: Love For Sale :cough:

Funny how they both played little Michael Jackson and I both loved them. Ah, memories.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Old Habits Die Hard...I Guess
Today my roomies and I were discussing the stigma of darker skin women having shorter hair. Its sad to see that some men and even some women overlook true beauty because it's not packaged in the standard of "American Beauty". What makes it even more sad is to see African American men publicly downgrade dark skin women who wear their hair natural. My roomie told us a well know man-whore/jerk around St. Louis made a comment about her natural hair on Facebook.
Let's view Exhibit A:

*The guy who said this has light skin and very curly hair*
I couldn't even find the words to say after we saw this. Its a shame to see how American standards of beauty have plagued the black community. Are we suddenly now not considered beautiful because the texture of our hair? I got so mad to see another black man not only refer to another black woman as a "colored" but blatantly disrespect the style she chooses to wear her hair. As my roommates discussed this, it all brought memories of girls in elementary school that would be "grossed out" at texture of our hair and the oil we had in it and that we weren't "normal" because we didn't wash our hair everyday. And for another man to say pretty much the same thing, at that a black man?? I ask myself, how was this boy raised? Was he taught that the finer the hair the better? This type of view is embedded in him and it probably won't change.
This made me realize is that the racism within our own community still lives and still continues to tear us apart. The light vs. dark complex is apparent throughout the media. Black women in hair commercials always having sleek, straight hair, makeup ads targeted towards lighter-skin women. When black men are discussing the beauty of women the comment "she's cute for a dark skin girl" always, always, always comes up. It's been said to my face, and I think 'is that supposed to make me feel better about myself?' Why do we feed into this obscure opinion? Why are celebrities like Lil' Kim, harm their bodies to make themselves look lighter with more European features. Why don't black men embrace true beauty with whatever shade or hair texture?
There's so much more I want to say but I could continue to talk about this for weeks. So ladies and gents, how do you feel about this comparison of light vs. dark, natural vs. straight? Will this issue continue or are we seeing changes within media of what black beauty is?
Let Me Count The Ways
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Where Brooklyn At??

Me infront of the Apollo and me at the All White Party which was SO much fun!
I forgot what this park was called but it was by NYU and just beautiful and this is us on the big ferris wheel @ Coney Island
Me visiting the CNN studios (that's where Anderson Cooper sits...yum!) and me and my friend Ashley that came down to visit.
Us at Cain (I think that's what it was called) with some rando and me and my roomie on the swings in Central Park
Me before our first night out...that dressed had a few malfunctions :/
If This Was My Trainer...I'd Be With Him Too!

Get it girl! Cute couple!
Photo Courtesy of Concrete Loop
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Finally Back!
But I had a wonderful time in New York! It definitely made me realize that that is the city I need to be in. Mission move to New York City is ON! Special thanks to the ladies of Almost Famous for giving us great suggestions on where to time we're hanging out ladies!
New York makes you wanna step up your fab game too, just so much individuality for great inspiration to add to your own personal style. And can we talk about the men!
Beautiful! Fresh lining's everywhere...gotta love it. I'll definitely be sure to update with pics once I download to the comp. But that's all I got for now folks...hope everyone is doing well. I'm brewing some new posts as I type so more to come!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
100th Post For Each Of You

Okay so the reason we didn't post all week was because we were trying to figure out something special for our 100th post. What did we come up with?
Thank you.
Breakfast at Hillary’s
Ms. Danyelle
God Among Us!
Ms. Minnie
Kelly, Nina & Kiyyah
Little Miss Knobody
Down Low
Miss Wilson
K. Michel
S Jones
Ja$mine Ra;chelle
Gregory Jones (miss you boo!)
Juicy Carter
Without you, we wouldn't of made it to 100 posts. We know it may not seem like a big deal for 100 posts, but to me us it's the world. We said we would do something (blogging) and we're doing it and we're thankful that each of you respond with such postivity that keeps this going.
Thanks again and promise more posts tonight!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Throwback Classic
Thursday, July 23, 2009
You Can Have Me and My Blood!
Mehcad Brooks!

You may know him from his short role on Desperate Housewives.

And you can't forget him as Jerome on The Game

Now, you can catch him on True Blood. And ladies did you see that last episode where he was giving that girl the business?? Oh.Em.Gee. It just got wayy too hot in here.

If you wanna check out his feature films he also was in Glory Road.

With abs like that..who wouldn't love him?

Can't get enough? Stalk him on Twitter....
Do You Boo

I must say I was surprised to see Solange go for the big chop, maybe with a little lining and brush it won't be so bad. But it made me think. She could give two bricks about what everyone else thinks...she's doing her. Can you blame her for it?
Which brings me to my next point. In a world with trendsetting divas, fashion icons and fads I feel that we can get lost. Fashion and society say no to wearing this but yes to wearing that. I feel that style does make a statement as to who you are. You like wearing sweats most of the time? Then you're a laid back kinda gal. Heels just to go to the store? You like to keep it fierce. And there is truly nothing wrong with it. Ladies we can't loose who we are just because "they" say it's not hot. We can keep up with trends and make it our label.
Now don't get me wrong there are some fashion tragedies, you know you can tell when someone didn't look in the mirror before they left the house. And sometimes personal style needs a little tweaking (i.e. What Not To that show!).But even when you see that girl rocking plaid tights in the dead heat of summer, if she's walking with her head held high, rocking it like it was on the front page of Italian Vogue, well then I give her my props. She's comfortable in her own skin and that's what truly matters.
So my tip for the you boo. Don't pay attention to what he or she says. Confidence surpasses Chanel....feel me?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Au Natural Part 2
Ah, well I still don't have a job BUT it's okay...I'm still looking up and know that something will come up soon. In the meantime I've been on my workout game which I'm very proud's such a stress reliever too!
And in the process I changed my hair...again! This time no weave :gasps: I know, I know.

I just decided to work with my own. The rod set is working for the me the curly fro effect plus I don't have to comb it, just pick it out. And it definitely works because I'm half natural half relaxed, so it's not too noticable. So I definitely was happy Ms. Nels did a post on being natural and big thanks to those who gave tips! I will be checking out those products ASAP.
So just wanted to give an update...more posts coming tonight..yay!
Oh and 40 followers now! Ya'll really love us! And we love ya'll welcome new followers...keep giving feedback!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
au natural
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me....
So soon enough I'll be back to reading and posting comments on everyone's blogs...I miss reading them everyday!
Sweet dreams everyone!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Love Is Deeper, Tighter, Sweeter, Higher, Flyer...Didn't You Notice? Apprently Not.

So What Had Happened Was...
When I do my updates 9 times out of 10 I'm at work...clearly I haven't been updating because I haven't been at work because I don't have a job.
Yes the recession has hit home. The company I work for had a 5-year contract with our city school district which was up this year, our contract didn't get renewed but we were welcome to apply for the new company that was coming in. I definitely applied, but didn't get it, and since almost two weeks now, I've been unemployed. It is kind of weird not to have that same routine but having time off has given me time to just....chill. Chill from absolutely everything. I've been wanting to update the blog but I just didn't have it in me...I guess I've been getting my life in general together. I'm also trying to make some big decisions...i.e. moving from St. Louis to...I don't even know yet.
So I just wanted to let you guys know what was up...and I will be updating more this week. It's a promise!
Monday, July 6, 2009
It's obvious that I'm speaking from experience. Needless to say, my dream for the ideal person has not changed, but there have been some major modifications. I had to let that go and am dealing with the mixed emotions of my decision as I write. Am I out here alone or has someone else been through this (or something equally bogus)?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Stars & Stripes

Happy Independence Day! Does your street look and sound like a war zone or is it just me?
I do find it odd that I had a moment to post during this eventful weekend but see it as I had two huge plates of food today...the itis called me and my friends to retreat to our couch before hitting the town tonight. I have had a blast this weekend so far...I keep forgetting my camera to take pics but I did get a shot from the party photog last night.

It was a nice party. The only thing missing...air conditioning! Stupid hot is all I can say.
Many apologies for the lack of has been on a bit of a roller coaster (which I'll fill you in later this week). But I will say I'm SO happy to have 37 followers now, WOW! Freakin' amazing dudes! Ya'll already know I'm grateful. So welcome new followers...I'll be sure to check out everyone's blog this week, promise!
So everyone be safe tonight, and don't let the illegal fireworks blow off your hand!
Monday, June 29, 2009
I Feel So Special!

It's our very first award so I thought I'd grace everyone with an acceptance speech:
First of I'd like to thank God...without Him this blog would be...nothing. To our loyal 33 all are the best I've ever had! Thanks for loving every random post, rant etc...I gotta get out what's going on in my brain somehow lol. Okay I'll get off the soapbox after this last one thing........I LOVE YOU MJ!
Okay I'm done.
Oh! And I'm also supposed to nominate another blog and I chose.......
Almost Famous...Ya'll always have great posts that keep me entertained.
Healthy Kisses...Nikki you always have health info we all need to know.
Naturally Yan Tan...Because I'm definitely finding your hair journey interesting as I'm transitioning also.
And don't forget the rules:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2. Pass the award to other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Thanks again Jasmine!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I Just Can't...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
pass the courvoisier
Rainy Dayz
where are my spring babies at?! i absolutely love the rain (when i haven't just gotten my $60 'do done, of course). to be able to nap in a house that is 84 degrees without discomfort deserves a def shout-out. the rain gave me a well-needed boost, even though the nap was only 15 minutes!
how about you? any afternoon nappers out there??
She's back!
just to share a little of what's held my attention for the past eon: been seeing this new older guy that i've been crushing on. does anyone feel me when i say he was all types of wrong for me, but i pursued it anyway...leaving myself emotionally drained and psychologically stressed. i was dealing with some insecurities about being younger and less experienced, but as time will have it we are working through our issues and taking it one day at a time. i tried not to bash the whole male population on this post, which is why it took me so long to get on here (shout out to our male followers).
i'll leave you with a few words of wisdom, though: not all men are dogs; cherish the ones that treat you as the queen you are and leave the doggish-ness by the garage for trash day. love to all ;)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sweet Jesus!
30 followers now??
I just had to post and say MUCHAS GRACIAS! I'm so like....ah! It's wonderful! And God is so good to have this blog really take off. Ya'll don't know this blog is my baby and it means so much to me and ya'll mean everything to me! I feel tears coming....
No I'm just playing but I'm so grateful so special thanks again to those who have been following and our new followers...welcome KabQ's!
Who Is.....?
With that being said I freakin’ love Jill Scott.
I got a girl crush…so what, the chick is fierce!
Her music is just…bananas. So poetic, so emotional, so real.
So as I’m still contemplating my Man of the Moment for the week, I’ll leave you with my Kabuki Queen of the Moment, and my female boo!
And have you seen The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency on HBO?
If you haven’t your clearly sleeping.
Oh yes and I do want her hair….
If my soon-to-be natural can look that good…I’m good!
Surprise Surprise
So hello, hey there, hi there to our 6 new followers, you are so appreciated. And a special special thanks to K. Michel Press who gave all of his followers a chance to put their blogs on blast so everyone can connect, make sure you check the post out and check out his blog K.Michel Press.
More posts coming through the day...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Some Like It Hot
But I can’t hate too much on summer, summer gives me days full of sundresses, outside dining, warm late nights, and plethora men coming out the woodwork (well there aren’t too many choices in St. Louis but once in awhile there’s a few decent ones). It’s all fun in the sun.
And with the summer heat I ALWAYS need to cheap finds to keep me cool. Thanks where my friend Forever 21 comes in. Some people bad mouth Forever but I can’t…we’re in a recession and I still gotta look fierce…don’t hate!

Tiered Fiesta Dress$24.80

Nadina Sundress $19.80

H81 Bold Stripes Sundress $22.90

Lathika Chiffon Tube Dress $22.80

Dayana Print Dress w/ Belt $22.80