Let me paint a scenario for you...just imagine that you have found that perfect someone, the person that always came to mind when you thought about your ideal significant other. By some way or another you end up with this person and realize that they are everything you want them to be, everything you ever imagined. However, all your friends, relatives, mentors, etc. tell you that they are no good for you because of a minor technicality (e.g., age, race, etc.), but you choose to ignore them and just enjoy the moment. Sooner than later you find out that the person you're with is freakin amazing and you don't know why everyone was trippin on them until one day you wake up and you don't get a good morning text, no phone call for a week, going out is contingent on you suggesting it, and you stop seeing this person on a regular basis. Now, if both parties are concerned by the list above, then maybe something can be worked out...but if you're the only one that notices it? Hmm...so you keep telling yourself that it is worth it because this is your dream mate; you keep this thing going bc you want it to be better, you know it CAN be better...when is enough, ENOUGH?! When you confront them about it they have nothing to say bc they don't even know this is going on...it's all in your head (right?). As if! (I had to go CLUELESS for a minute, forgive me)
It's obvious that I'm speaking from experience. Needless to say, my dream for the ideal person has not changed, but there have been some major modifications. I had to let that go and am dealing with the mixed emotions of my decision as I write. Am I out here alone or has someone else been through this (or something equally bogus)?
How to Pick Your Perfect Lip Color
3 weeks ago
I've definitely been through this. I would say don't be too quick to make a decision. I decide on a date, and if things haven't changed for the better by that date, I'm gone. Good luck!
omg, update...i broke things off and am learning how to take care of me now. it's really refreshing. thx for the support
girl...story of my life! lol. but i've been there and it sucks for that moment but when you look back you'll realize you made the best decisions that benefit you.
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