Today marks the release of
Beyonce's third solo LP, "I Am....Sasha Fierce". As an avid
Beyonce fan I am more than ecstatic for Ms. Knowles' new efforts. I've heard a few mixed reviews but overall I'm thinking it's a hit. I thought it was only fitting to take a look back at how her "fierceness" has come to evolve and bring a
lil' Sasha in all of us. And most of all.....she's SUCH a Kabuki Queen!

I must admit I was always a fan of the 1st Destiny's just clicked. But Sasha was in the making....

The old Destiny was out with a few minor changes (i.e. kicking out a few members)....and a new Destiny was in. The fierceness was starting to fly of course courtesy of Mama Tina.

And the fierceness flopped at times...but hey, we've all been there. (Notice the crimped blond micros...eek!)

We can say B learned from her mistakes and started
hittin' us with all kinds of fabulous.

Sasha Fierce has fully proud, so fab! (tear)
Homework For The Day:
Put some 'Sasha Fierce' in your day! Still got some classes left? Wear something to command the room (keep it classy of course). Rock the animal print leggings or try a new eye shadow. Going out for happy hour tonight? Bring out the
stilettos and grab the flashy your inner-Kabuki!