I know I haven't really been writing about fashion lately, but I am in such a different and exciting season of life that I feel the need to put on paper. I am going to be transparent for a second and show utter appreciation for the women in my life. I was anxious about coming home to Chicago for break because I always feel so far removed from the lives of everyone I left here when I went away to school, but today just proved that I am still very much a part of my girlfriends' lives. Many people tend to hang onto relationships with the opposite sex because of the need to not feel loneliness; I know I have been struggling with that for a little bit now. But the lesson that I learned today is that God gives us friends/sisters/cousins to talk to, to have tea with, to cry, laugh, joke, smile, commune with; like the motto of Cotton: "they are the fabrics of our lives!" I truly appreciate each and every one that participated in making me smile today; thank you for showing me that I am enough - all by myself! Thank you Stacy, Shonda, Rio, Janolby, Lauren, Nicole, Nitchka; you all are valued as gems in my life and I am ever grateful - easily the luckiest girl around ;)