For some reason, I have been hit with the "I want to be married" bug and have noticed about a third of my pins on Pinterest are wedding related. I have started identifying the style of dress I want for myself and bridesmaids, the RING, chapels and churches that have inspired me, honeymoon (I mean, vacation) spots, etc. In looking down the list of friends I have, I'd say about half of them will be married within the next two years, which means that 1) I need to get on the ball, and 2) I should start saving so that I can afford a gazillion bridesmaid dresses. I should probably also check my attitude and learn how to be happy for those experiencing this wonderful life move...CONGRATS! Eh, I'm working on it. Anyway, as with everything else, going through this phase has inspired me to immerse myself in the culture of wedding clothes, which I have added here for all to view a little piece of the craziness that is my mind these days :)